Week 5

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

How do we as humans, decide what path to follow in life? There is sewn into every individual heart a desire to worship God. Some are in tune with this deep calling and others go through out life never knowing. I want to walk according to what God has ordained for my life. Looking back in life, I can recall times when it seems like it wasn’t God’s plan for me to walk through certain areas of life. In fact, it was all apart of His plan for redemption. So how do we live a life in touch with the Spirit when things seem to be flipped upside down? I’m constantly reminded of His faithfulness. A year ago I never thought my life would look the way it does now. I did not know, but here I am. It is only by grace that I have today. Another aspect that is coming to life for me is obedience. Being close to God is not living by emotion, but by obeying. I have no idea what next year will even look like, but that’s okay because God already knows. All I am asked to do is to obey and take the first step. Although rebellion is my nature, my desire worship is growing stronger still. I choose the path that leads to the One who delights in my worship.

Application: Write a list of times God has been faithful, that when I am unconfident in a situation, I will be reminded He is still for me.


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