Week 10 Day 3; Sacrifice
Phillipians 3:10 "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death."
What stands out to me in this verse is "being conformed to His death." This means to experience the same suffering Christ suffered for us. I don't believe that means dying on the cross like Jesus, but rather to take up our on cross. There are certainly many things we must sacrifice to walk with our cross. We might be persectuted by people, but through this sacrifice we know Him. We will give us the same power of His resurrection to us, that we may be conformed to His death. We will have fellowship with the Son, because we endured the same persectution for His name sake. No sacrifice is too great becaue He is always worthy.
Application: Today I will I will write down this verse three times and memorize it to my team when we meet at night.


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