Week 16

2 Samuel 15:22 “So Samuel said: “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.””

I find it hard to obey someone when I have not developed a sense of trust. Instead I will follow in my actions but disobey in my heart. “Do you trust God” should seem like an easy and simple question. “Of course I trust God”. Obedience is more than just the service, but the condition of the heart. I’ve fooled myself for too long. I’ve put in the mask of someone who doesn’t fear, when in reality the unknown quite terrifies me. God isn’t surprised by this. He knows every fiber of my being. Certainly He knows I wasn’t putting 110% of my trust in Him. Recently life has seemed pretty mundane and uncertain. Even in these times, I have seen God faithful to minister to my heart. It was never in the service that I would have realized where my trust was, but in the mundane and uncertainty. I could never understand why because I was trying to understand without any intention of obeying. Never would I have obeyed to follow Him deeper if I had not trusted. Now, I now His word is all that will stand when the world doesn’t go as we had planned. He will never change and I can place my trust in that.

Application: When I’m frustrated or fearful I will write them down and pray for more of a surrendered life.


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