Week 5 Day 2; Contentment
2 Corinthians 10:5- casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Many of us have struggled with fighting agaisnt someone. Whether it was a sibling, someone you love, or someone you don't; we've all been there. It's okay to bring different opinions and views into a conversation, but there is always a fine line. There may come a time when the boundary is crossed, and someone feels hurt. I have been on both sides. On one side, your pride is built up and your words are not sensitive. Sensitive to the other person, but also to the Spirit. On the other side, you're offended and walls build up. You believe you can never come to this person without feeling put down. Keith Wheeler said this, "How much you love God depends on how much you love your worst enemy." If we always remembered this concept in the front of our minds, how would our words and actions be different? It's so important to be sensitive to the way our words land in the hearts of others. I am guilty of this. Many times I have found myself saying without thinking. If an authortive figure were in the room, we would give respect to our words. Often times we forget that the Spirit is right here in our midst. Just because no one is around to correct you doesn't mean God's heart isn't breaking when our words leave our lips. I'm confident that Jesus was careful in His words when correcting those He loved, and so should we.
Application: Today I will be careful in speech and apologize if any words have hurt someone.


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