Week 8 Day1; Servanthhood
John 12:26 "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor."
We can so easily serve in the name of Jesus with our actions, but God looks at the heart. Jesus expalins here that if we are going to serve Him, we must also follow Him. This means allowing yourself to relfect not only Jesus' life, but also His heart. People and glorifying our heavenly Father is His ministry. At the cross God's name was elevated through Jesus' service to the world and to the Father. God was able to honor Jesus in heaven because of His obedience. During high school, it was always my desire and joy to come to church early and leave late to help with set up and tear down. Through the years, I got to develop relationships and began leadership. I felt honored to have the privleage to serve while getting to teach underclassmen. Even with this leadership role, I was still under authority. Sometimes I would mess up, but there was still grace because Jesus was with me in my service. He honored my desires and was there to lead me through it.
Something I have been struggling with lately is being a servant to others. It's not that it's hard for me to want to serve someone, it's finding the opportunity to do so. I'm the type of person who likes to be depended upon. When someone asks me to get something done, I always make it a priority. It feels good to be praised for your work, especially if it means lifting a burden off another. In all honesty, I have rarely found myself in this situation. We have many hands and opportunites to serve another and our home; but to me it has been a duty not a joy. Recently it has been brought to the light how prideful I truly am. It's hard for me to be joyful when serving others when it doesn't feel appreciated. Lord help me.
Application: After every remaining servant time/outreach I will pray for God to be glorfied and not myself.
John 12:26 "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor."
We can so easily serve in the name of Jesus with our actions, but God looks at the heart. Jesus expalins here that if we are going to serve Him, we must also follow Him. This means allowing yourself to relfect not only Jesus' life, but also His heart. People and glorifying our heavenly Father is His ministry. At the cross God's name was elevated through Jesus' service to the world and to the Father. God was able to honor Jesus in heaven because of His obedience. During high school, it was always my desire and joy to come to church early and leave late to help with set up and tear down. Through the years, I got to develop relationships and began leadership. I felt honored to have the privleage to serve while getting to teach underclassmen. Even with this leadership role, I was still under authority. Sometimes I would mess up, but there was still grace because Jesus was with me in my service. He honored my desires and was there to lead me through it.
Something I have been struggling with lately is being a servant to others. It's not that it's hard for me to want to serve someone, it's finding the opportunity to do so. I'm the type of person who likes to be depended upon. When someone asks me to get something done, I always make it a priority. It feels good to be praised for your work, especially if it means lifting a burden off another. In all honesty, I have rarely found myself in this situation. We have many hands and opportunites to serve another and our home; but to me it has been a duty not a joy. Recently it has been brought to the light how prideful I truly am. It's hard for me to be joyful when serving others when it doesn't feel appreciated. Lord help me.
Application: After every remaining servant time/outreach I will pray for God to be glorfied and not myself.
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