Week 15

Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates,Waiting at the posts of my doors.

As we begin to listen to one another, I can’t help but feel like there is a challenge behind every fault. We want to be more like Christ, but how? God has given each believer the authority to speak into each man’s life in His perfect circumstances. How then, do believers still feel condemned and fearful? Perhaps we make up our god and believe he is unattainable by trying too hard. We serve this god with our works and not with our hearts. Both of these attributes are good, but one without the other leads us to failure. Then we let this god of ours down and into bondage of never being “good-enough”. What we do not realize through all of this is that, our true God is simply accessible through the perfect blood that was shed on the cross. We need to see God on street level to believe that He will accept us as we are. Imperfect and full of flaws. Only then can we see ourselves as Christ does and rest fully upon His mercy. We don’t have to bear the weight of our failures any longer, He is waiting to be called upon.

Application: Each devotion, write the new truths I learned through the speaking of the Word.


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