Week 14
2 Corinthians 10:5 “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”
Each student has been placed into a team for a specific purpose. There was not one who is out of place. Our purpose is to challenge, encourage and build each other up. Until now, it seems we have been comfortable to do so. Often times I find myself shying away from what the Lord has placed on my heart. If I know God’s promises to be true in my life, I can trust that He will give me the words to deliver. As a young person, I found myself afraid to speak my mind as usually no one was interested in what I had to say. My confidence shrunk and so did the words to express myself. As my relationship grows in Christ, so does my confidence. It was just a matter of God’s perfect timing. My speech should not come as a hinderance or offense to another because I am not intentional with my words. When conflict arises, God has given me insight and I realize I have two choices. One, to ignore the voice of the Lord and move on with my own selfishness, or, to heed His voice. The latter offers that person and myself to allow God to do a work in both our lives! Isn’t that what we want to see in our lives anyways? If I or that person can not heed the voice of the Lord with soften hearts, we are in big trouble. I need to constantly remind myself of the sacrifice of the Blood, that gave me freedom from myself. Freedom in Christ to challenge my brother or sister. That is what I would want someone to do for me.
Application: Heed the voice of the Lord and be delicate with my speech.
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