Week 9
Psalm 145:19 “He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them.“
In the wilderness, we hear many times when the children of Israel cried out to God and He heard them and He remembered them. This has caused me to rethink my prayer think. When I pray, what am I praying for and how will it further the kingdom of God? This is an area of my life I have tried to bring down to a science that it has often taken the feeling and compassion out of prayer. If only I could say the right thing then surely God will answer my prayers! There is no right or wrong way when speaking to Lord. Jesus was a simple and humble man and made connection to the common man. I don’t have to pretend to be more experienced to ask for God’s presence in my life and the life of others. He will do that anyways. He has placed eternity in our hearts; naturally we long for another world. So my desire is to see His kingdom continue building in our hearts and His spirit moving boldly. To be open to new hope and know that our Christ is coming soon! Let our cries be heavenly minded when we pray for loved individuals, our country and ourselves. Pursue and God will deliver.
Application: Pray with my teammates every night before bed.
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