Week 9 Day 1; Sacrifice
Phillipians 3:8 "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ."
Obedience is greater than sacrifice. This world has nothing in of itself hat it could possibly offer me that is greater than to follow Jesus. If I'm honest though, I sometimes find myself with built up pride in what I gave up for the Lord. To proclaim those words show how selfish I really am. I don't always sacrifice because I want to honor God, but to impress people, or even myself.  It's only a loss because of the state of heart I chose to give something up. It's a loss because I limit what God could do to challenge me and to show something new to me. But through God's word I can know and be challeneged to have conviction agaisnt certain things. So I may know God's heart by His sacrifice through Jesus Christ. If God's heart is valuable to me, and my heart is valuable to Him, then nothing else matters.
Application: Share with someone a time when I gave something up out of a selfish desire, and share when the Lord called me to give something up out of His desire.


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