Week 4 Day 2; Contentment
Luke 3:14 Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, "And what shall we do?" So he said to them, "Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages."
I have never had a job. I do not know what it would be like to be unhappy with the money I'd make. I have however, heard others complain about the amount they make. There are two people who fall into this category. One: those who spend their wages, then complain they do not make enough. And two: those who save intensily and still complain they do not make enough. Each one shows a man of wealth and a man of poor, but both have one thing in common. Greed. The BIble says in 1 TIm. 6:10 that mmoney is the root of all evil. They say money speaks and that surre rings true. It causes people to murder, covet, and steal. It's so sad that our hearts are so concerned with what we have and don't have, that we are willing to submit to this evil. I am a victim of this. Growing up, I was truly blesses with the items I did have, but that didn't stop me from wanting the things that I didn't have. Material things had taken root in my heart. Even if I had never sinned, I knew I did in my heart. And that is where the biggest sin takes place; in the heart. We know that man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.
Application: For the rest of this week I will pray for the Lord to search and create in me a clean heart.


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