Week 3 Day 2

Luke 21:19 By your patience posses your souls.

Our patience says a lot about our heart. For instance, take a father and child. The child disobeys his father and the father yells and rebukes him. The child will very soon repeat what he has learned. If the father had chosen patience instead of anger, he could have ended this cycle of hidden anger. I always thought I was a patient person. Which I kind of still do, but I've never had roommates before now. I had patience because everything was my own and I didn't have to share a bathroom. It's sometimes hard to have patience when you live with four girls who all want to use the bathroom at once. It's even harder when we're called to wait upon the Lord. We want everything now, when we want it.I have found that waiting for the restroom wastes time that I could be waiting in the Lord. It is a sweet time to spend with he Lord waiting for His word when you thirst for Him. This is a reflection of your heart. The Lord asks us to be patient that he might reveal Himself to you, in a different way than yesterday. As His mercies are new every morning so is His wisdom. when we wait in the Lord we become a reflection of Christ. Patience is key to the life Jesus lived. He was patient with people because of His love. I want my patience to reflect my heart, and my heart to glorify God.

Application: Today I will let all my roommates use the restroom first.


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